01 November 2012

Important Instructions

Please read the following instructions carefully before you fill up the application form.

1. This course is only for the students who wish to appear the entrance exams conducted for the admissions to first year of five year degree course in architecture, in the government and private colleges in Maharashtra state in India.

  2.These exams consist of practical drawing and sketching work. Ability to draw and to sketch needs profuse practice.

 3. The student must be regular and punctual in practicing. This course is for a duration of minimum three months. After your HSC exams, a minimum of 5 hours practice per day is required for good results.

 4. Only one student will be guided on one email address. Students will not share their account with any other person. Only Shri Unmesh Inamdar himself will personally examin the student's work and send comments, demos,corrections etc. No other persons / assistants are appointed for this job.

 5. The instructions / comments / remarks /demos etc. given to a student are personal. They are not applicable to other students.They are supplied to the enrolled student only for his/her own learning. Making any commercial use or supplying it to someone for a commercial use is strictly prohibited. Any enrolled student found engaged in such an activity during or after the course duration is liable for legal action. His admission will be immediately cancelled without any refund of fees.

 6. If the student is not satisfied with the guidance, fees paid are fully refundable without any deduction till 21st day from the day of commencement of lessons. (both days inclusive) No fees will be refunded for cancellation of admission after the above period. The fees are to be paid in one installment. Mailing of lessons will start only after full Payment of fees.

 7. The number of students for this online course is limited since only one student is personally attended at a time.

 8. The enrolled student will require a scanner or a good quality digital camera for sending data. A list of drawing and colouring material for practical work is given below.

 9. The students must submit the assigned work as per the given schedule. There is no limit on the number of submissions or number of times a student may ask for guidance per week / day. It is assured that each student will be attended to his/her satisfaction a minimum of 4 days per week. A minimum of four submissions per week are expected from each student. Each submission may contain 1 to 10 sheets of paper depending upon subject. Each lesson designed in the syllabus is essential. Request to skip any lesson will not be entertained.

 10. Practical work submitted must be done by the enrolled student only.

 11. Guidance will continue till the day of the final Exam. 10 Test papers of each subject as per the final exam pattern will be provided to the students after the portion is completed. Students have to solve them practically as per the instructions and within the time limit mentioned on the papers.

  List of material required
 1. Rough papers for sketching. 300 pieces A4 size
 2. TK or cartridge papers 100 pieces 1/4 Imp. size
 3. A portfolio
 4. A drawing board 1/4 Imp. size
 5. Board clips 4 nos.
 6. Graded drawing pencils H, HB, B, 2B, 4B
 7. A foot ruler & good quality geometrical instruments.
 8. Poster colours - Camlin Premium range or higher quality.
Shades - Prussian blue,
Poster red,
Chrome yellow,
Poster green,
Light green,
Ocher Yellow,
9. Brushes : Sable /synthetic hair No. 4,7,10.
10. Colour pencils : good quality 18 or 24 shades.
11. A palette, bowl, and rag (a piece of clean rough cloth)
12. Black sketch pen/ gel pen for sketching.
13. Stanley knife or paper cutter, a tube / jar of synthetic resin adhesive.
14. A good quality scanner. Size : A4

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